Finally, you get some space back when all your papers are safely stored or digitized.
Many notaries have been working digitally for years now. Working digitally has further improved processes and customer focus. However, there are often many metres of paper archives from the past that must be preserved.
It is important for notaries to keep their files safe. They are often kept at the notary’s office, but they take up space that can be used for other purposes. Especially when the files are seldom needed anymore, off-site storage makes a lot of sense.
Most old notarial files are needed to a relatively limited extent. Sometimes a firm opts for digitization, but usually that is not cost-effective. Archive storage is cheaper than digitizing, especially if the retention period remains within 20 years.
The majority of Dutch notaries consider the quality of an archive manager when choosing to store archives off-site. A good archive management company not only ensures safe storage, but can always deliver filed quickly if they happen to be needed. Self-storage is not secure enough and often not set up for fast availability of an archive. In addition, self-storage is more expensive than archive storage.
Depending on the agreements and wishes of the notary, an archive document can be delivered physically or digitally within 24 hours (or even faster). It goes without saying that files can only be requested by authorized persons.
There are few professions where confidential handling of personal data is as important as with the notarial profession. This explains why notaries often initially keep files on their own premises. At a certain point the files are hardly needed anymore, and the space can be used for other purposes or done away with altogether. The low cost of archive storage leads almost all notaries to move their archives to an archive depot: a safe and logical choice.
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