
Health Care

It’s all about the safe handling of patient data

In a sector where digitization has accelerated with the arrival of the Electronic Patient Record, a lot of information is still available on paper. This requires an extra effort from the healthcare professional to handle both digital and paper information securely. Many healthcare organizations are therefore faced with an important choice regarding their paper files.


Most healthcare organizations choose to work completely digitally. Existing paper archives must therefore be made available digitally when necessary. Backlog scanning or scanning on demand is a solution for this need. With backlog scanning, the entire archive is digitized at once regardless of demand. Scanning on demand is demand-oriented digitization. What is best for you depends on your wishes.

Retention obligation

Patient medical records must be retained in accordance with legal requirements. The main rule for keeping medical records is in the WGBO. This law stipulates that the healthcare provider must in principle keep medical files for 20 years. But the GDPR and other specific laws may also apply in determining how long a healthcare provider must keep a medical record.

Well secured

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires healthcare providers to properly secure medical records. For example, healthcare providers must ensure that only authorised persons have access to a patient’s file. This is often difficult to organise in your own location. In an external archive storage facility with professional archive managers, it is standard and part of the professional skill-set of our experienced staff.

Many different types of archives

We work with healthcare institutions in the field of archive storage, archive management and digitization of patient files, personnel files, general archives, and complex archives such as X-rays and pathological archives. For example, our medical archive storage can also accommodate storage for pathology laboratories, such as platelets. This storage is offered according to the most current requirements in the field of safe and secure storage for pathology laboratories. We can store paraffin cubes and cross-sections/slides for a long time under ideal conditions.

Your benefits

You can focus on the digital processes in your organization, while we provide all supporting archive services for you. As specialists, we can do this efficiently and expertly so that you not only have one less worry, but can also save considerably on your indirect costs.

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Our industries


Health Care




The legal profession


Receivership and bankruptcy


Financial sector






Housing corporations

Curious about the possibilities?

Would you like to know more about the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods for your situation? Contact us for a free consultation.

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Our solutions for paper archives in the digital age 





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